Proposals for Workshop Presentation at the 2024 CalPoets' Symposium ~ Deadline May 17
The California Poets in the Schools’ Symposium is a beloved opportunity to gather together in community for a weekend of poetry creation, poetry readings, professional development and sharing our best ideas with each other. California Poets in the Schools will invite 6-9 active Poet-Teachers to present at the 2024 Symposium at the St. Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista July 5-6-7. We are asking for all interested presenters to complete a very simple, one paragraph explanation of their proposed workshop or offering. We are seeking innovative ideas for sessions that will engage a wide range of professional Poet-Teachers. Each Poet-Teacher selected to present will receive $200 as reciprocity.
This opportunity is only open to Active Poet-Teachers only. It is a benefit that we offer to our Poet-Teacher members. Please do not submit a proposal if you are not an Active Poet-Teacher. This means that you are certified with California Poets in the Schools and actively teaching poetry as a Poet-Teacher with CalPoets. Not all proposals will be accepted.
Here are some ideas of what types of offerings may work well at the symposium (feel free to take one of these ideas, or offer your own):
- An early morning yoga class with poetry woven in
- Tried and true methods of teaching spoken word (even for those who don’t perform spoken word)
- Video poems and how to make them
- Three new lesson plans that pop!
- Maker’s Faire - a creative session incorporating making a poetry art project
- Poetry in the Community - how to engage and collaborate with other organizations
- 100 of the best prompts ever and how to use them with students